Best quality UHMWPE powder, ready to manufacture wheels and many components. Smooth and semi-crystalline powder commonly use to make some machinery components and blocks too. Contact us to get the best export quality UHMWPE powder and also get great quality assurance.

  • A semi-crystalline, whitish and effectively opaque engineering thermoplastic which, chemically, is a very high molecular weight HDPE. As a result it has an extremely high melt viscosity and can only be processed by powder sintering methods. Uhmwpe powder is used to make UHMWPE rods, sheets, and wheels with extreme level of toughness.

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    MATERIAL Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
    SHAPE Fine Powder
    COLOR White
    Application In Coating Materials: Improved Lubrication And Abrasion Resistance, To Make Trolley Wheel, and
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